Sunday, October 01, 2006

Sucking the Life Force from my Veins...

We live in a city of 80, 000 people that feels like a community of 800. Very religious, very family oriented, very conservative, very gossipy. The kind of place where it really does matter who you know and how much power they have. Which is very convenient if you are one of those people who knows people. We aren't those people.

We work and live and play here every day, but we struggle with making connections with people. We are social creatures, don't get me wrong, we enjoy people and love spending time with them. We just can't find very many people who we actually want to spend time with. There are very few people who know the real us. I spend a good portion of my day wondering if these people are for real? Can it even be possible to have such a narrow world view? The answer, unfortunately for me, is yes on both accounts.


Resident Manservant said...

It's not that ba...oh shit, yes it is.

So why don't we move?

Domestic Goddess said...

Because I love my house and I'm not ready to say goodbye to it yet...

Good enough reason?