Thursday, October 26, 2006

Hi, I'm Fat. How are you?

One thing that kind of reverberates through everything we do in life is that we are fat people. She is a size 20, and I'm a 42 inch waist. While this doesn't put the fear of god into people we sit next to on airlines, it is inconveniently large for, well, pretty much everything.

We notice that it makes everything in our life less fun, and bedamned those pro-fat folks that say this is just society making us feel shame in a thin world. There are two really big places this hits our lives, if you ask me. She can comment on her own feelings.

First, we can't have sex as long as we'd like to. This is also due to taking up cigarette smoking in the past year, but my endurance sucks balls. She is just fine with her side of thing, but that's mostly because I do all the work. Well, heck, she's just too large to make the female dominant position a workable scenario, so there is an impact, but aside from that position I can only thrust for a certain period of time before I'm just wiped. While I give it all I've got, and it brings her ample orgasms, she could go a hell of a lot longer if I didn't have to throw up the white flag. Now, there is always the tyranny of hydraulics, but I've got a lot of self control in the ejaculation department, I just can't keep the gyrations going.

Second, and an utterly amusing unrelated counterpoint, is theme park rides. We both feel more than a little conspicuous especially on the rides designed around full body restraint. We both fit just fine, but on really dramatic roller coasters its a bit like stuffing a haggis. We're more than confident enough to live with this, but we're damned if we're heading back to Disneyland or functional equivalent without losing 50lbs each.

Also, we look god damned disgusting in wet suits, which we had to wear for the whitewater rafting we did on our honeymoon. Again, we've got more than enough confidence to go ahead and do it anyway, but lets call a spade a spade folks.

But thems that don't have a problem with weight: you have no idea how hard it is to lose the pounds. I mean, really, living is hard enough sometimes without having to fine tune your lifestyle like a god damned Italian car. Now I bet we both have psychological issues with food, but fuck me if I'm talking about that today.

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