Saturday, October 07, 2006

New Addition to the Family

Last night my sister gave birth to her second child - a boy. A boy whose name we all giggled at when we heard it for the first time.

I'm not going to tell you what his name is exactly to avoid inevitable Google name searches but I assure you it is worth a round of giggles. Two of the four names that have been assigned are actually decent names, but one of the other ones is actually a precious metal and the fourth is this ridiculous 'family name' that is traditionally awarded to the first born son. The result is laughable. My gramma is disgusted.

I will tell you though that a girl would have been called Saphiria Golden Rose. After the bottle of wine they were drinking when they conceived or something? I don't know.

I asked where my sister and brother-in-law had been shopping for names. A baby name site intended to be used by crack-pots, or what?

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