Monday, June 11, 2007

Tension and Frustration and an Absent Wife (again)

The Goddess is away on business again today and I am left to my own resources. This means extra work and atypically late hours, and it also means copious amounts of pornography and masturbation. Well, as copious as possible while being subtle as the Goddess' sister still lives with us.

I used to find my time alone on trips like this very satisfying, but recently I've found it mildly upsetting. Lately diet and exercise have fallen by the wayside, so that may be the cause of my psychic malaise, but I'm finding being alone frustrating. This is not a carnal concern, but one of...well...I don't know.

We recently have added running a balanced budget to our day to day program, and while diet and exercise have been neglected lately we ostensibly are still trying to remedy those long-standing oversights as well. Combine this with both of our work lives being over-stressed lately and we are one giant ball of anxiety. And as much as she annoys me, Domestic Goddess really is a rudder that keeps my ship sailing true in these choppy waters. We might not have the best coping mechanisms - marijuana consumption is on the rise, as is late night munchies - but we have a hell of a time doing them.

But there are other frustrations this creates, as neither of our libidos are doing so hot in the evening hours. We had an incredibly erotic conversation about threesomes today - actually discussing their downsides, which was exponentially more arousing that just sharing an idle fantasy. But if she were here right now I know our night would be declining into destressing, decompressing, smoking some pot, and just hanging out.

I need that, but what happened to the hot sex? 

Compared to people who have no sex lives, I suppose our moderate sex life is nothing to complain about. But I find a lot of release in our erotic escapades, setting aside the obvious literal interpretation. I hope we can return to more ambitious adventures soon.

A Farmwife with a Twist was especially arousing today, if only because that is a forbidden place for the Goddess and I.

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