Sunday, December 03, 2006

Teatime for Two

Last night we made some tea with halluciongenic mushrooms. While we'd tried a very light dose of the same at one orgy we went to, the effects of that experience were extemely mild.

(isn't it great how throwing the word orgy into a sentance just obliterates all the other words? Its an attention whore of a word)

Anyway, being total virgins we threw 1/8th of an ounce into a pot of peppermint tea. While the tea was perfectly palatable, we'd been advised to eat the mushrooms post-soak and that was more than a little disgusting. I just swallowed mine whole to get past it.

The first hour was nothing. The second hour, and she was convinced she was coming down with the flu. At this point, our dogs began acting incredibly strangely, I guess picking up on our odd vibe. Then one of our dogs threw up. I began to have apprehensions of the trip we had just started.

The only thing that was really clear at this point was that our dogs were too energetic to be watching us stare at the ceiling, so I took them downstairs to throw some toys around. At this point I just felt like I was really, really drunk, but way nicer than being drunk. No heavy bloating from a gut full of beer, and attempts to focus on things were not impeded by the narcotics. If I wanted to space out, I could, but I could also be coherent. Best of both worlds.

An amusing impression was how gosh darn fuzzy the dogs are. Their coats seemed to take on an extra layer of texture, very much like how high-resolution textures on a digital 3D model increase the sense of depth. I think I threw the toys up and down the hall for something like an hour and the dogs were absolutely eccstatic for the attention, and unlike other times when I play with them I was able to leave my brain right in the moment. Under normal conditions, my brain moves past the play time immediately, and my play is half-hearted. Not this time. The dogs definitely picked up on this, and I don't think they've been quite that happy in some time.

Also, their eyes starting shimmering an iridescent green. I wish I could have taken a picture of it, but it was all in my head, so you'll have to take my word on it when I say its absolutely beautiful.

After we tucked the dogs into bed - the first time in months they were agreeable to be kenneled - we ended up slow dancing to a full CD of christmas music in the kitchen. Then we had some extremely unusual sex. And then we wanted bacon. But instead we went to sleep. Zzzz.

Interesting times.

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