Thursday, December 21, 2006

It's Christmas Time

I don't know what it is about Christmas this year, but more than ever I am excited to be celebrating it with the one I love. My heart gets all squishy every time I think about waking up on Christmas morning wrapped in the arms of the one I love.

It's easy for us to think that our relationship is the one and only happy relationship out there, and, god, do I ever hope that isn't true. But I FEEL like I am the only woman who has ever truly experienced love in its purest form. Unconditional, tried, tested and true. The kind of love that makes you want to
tell the world so that everyone can bask in the beauty of it.

When I look at him, I see so much in his eyes. I see our future. I see our children. I see our perfect love. I see his soul and I see him, seeing mine.

Christmas just doesn't get any better than this.

1 comment:

Resident Manservant said...

Awww. Shucks.

It really is feeling like an extra special christmas this year - even if I still have no idea what to get you. We've had a lot of bumps along the way these past 365 days and its so wonderful to move into the holiday season with a renewed sense of love and home and warmth and joy.

Also, we had really great sex last night. Nothing is more festive than that.

(see she is sweet and sincere, and I'm just a pervert)