Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I have had a bad day. I don't really know why, but the past couple of days have been rough for me. It could be due to work, or it could be something else entirely. I have no idea. But I have been eating like shit and I feel like hell because of it. I think work has been a big part of it for me. One of my coworkers was making chili yesterday for our agency's board meeting later in the evening and it smelled so tasty that I ended up going out to get chili for lunch from Tim Horton's. I'd never tried it before and was all excited to, but then it tasted like ass. Complete ass. So I ended up eating the homemade stew that I brought for lunch. I didn't drink nearly enough water through the day and that continued into today. I've been getting busy at work and it just seemed like today I wasn't getting to my water. I've been really tired today and kinda grumpy (as I'm sure R.M. will attest) and today at lunch I went out and grabbed a Teen Burger from A & W. And god, did I ever enjoy it. I swear it was the Best Burger of My Life.

I had a decent supper though and right now I'm doing respite for a family that I know. The kids had a snack and I, naturally, had one with them. Normally they go for the fruit snack variety, but tonight it was all about the salty snacks. And I ate POTATO chips. I don't even want to know how many points that was, because I'd used up all my daily points before I came due to the burger.

I've got to go for a weigh-in tomorrow after work and I'm dreading it. While I was down 2 pounds on Saturday, I'm sure I will have gained that back.

In any case, I think the reason I'm having trouble is all because of my complete lack of water intake. I am tired, I'm craving crap to eat and I'm grumpy because of it. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to get back on the water bandwagon.

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